Update to 0.6 - Resolution Clarification & Changes

Hey Folks!

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed HAWKER so far. It's recently come to my attention that a very important part of the game is missing. In fact, the missing text was still in the document but had been hidden in the text box after the last update. The rolling system for the game didn't tell you what to do after you had constructed and rolled your dice-pool. 

Original Resolution Mechanic

Original Resolution Mechanic

After watching M. Kirin's stream that highlights One Page RPGs, I noticed that this line of text wasn't visible and due to that M. Kirin interpreted the rules differently. In a way that seems to make the game a little bit more fun! So I have updated the resolution mechanics to reflect the way that I believe people may have been interpreting the rules and have added clarification to avoid confusion while playing the game. 

The New Resolution Mechanic.

Updated Resolution Mechanic.

During your travels, you'll face different encounters. Some encounters will have challenges of varying difficulty which require a specific number of successes before reaching the allotted failures. A clear encounter causes no losses. Some encounters have more severe consequences, but all require an Action Roll: 

  • Use the stat most relevant to your merchant's course of action and construct a dice pool with that many d6’s.
  • Add +1d6 for each relevant merchant perk or cargo you can narratively justify for the action.
  • Failing to overcome an encounter on a roll means your approach didn’t work, you must roll a different stat on your next attempt

Check the results of your roll, marking your successes before you mark your failures (eg. If you were to roll, 2,6,4,5. You would mark 3 successes and then one failure.) If you succeed by meeting the number of successes before failures, then you do not have to count any of the failures, including critical failures(1). If you neither succeed nor fail, begin constructing your pool by following the steps and roll again.

What this means is that now you will roll your dice pool, the same as before, but now you will be using all of those dice rolled to calculate your successes and failures. You then count your successes first, starting with the highest number (6, 5, 4), then you count your failures afterwards. If you meet the necessary number of successes before meeting the allowed number of failures then you do not count any of your failures, Including critical 1's. If you do not succeed or fail your encounter in a single roll, then you construct your dice pool by following the guide inside Encounters & Action Rolls and you roll again. Repeat this until you either succeed or fail an encounter. 


 If you were to roll an encounter that required 2 successes and allowed 4 failures and you rolled 4d6 to resolve that encounter, your roll may look something like this (6, 2, 4, 3). You count the 6 & the 4 first, meaning that you succeeded in the encounter and would no longer have to count any of the failures, the 3 and the 2.

Other Fixes

There are minor layout changes to allow for the new rules text and some typo fixes. The other slightly major change is the renaming of 'Clear Encounters' to 'Safe Encounters'.

I would love to hear if people have been using the resolution mechanic as originally intended, or if this new mechanic seems to make a lot more sense to you. 


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Aug 18, 2024
HAWKER - Print.zip 2.9 MB
Aug 18, 2024
HAWKER - Ink Friendly Print.zip 6.1 MB
Aug 18, 2024
HAWKER - Digital.pdf 1.5 MB
Aug 18, 2024

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